Django feedback application

Quick start

In code

Add feedback to INSTALLED_APPS


Example urlpatterns:

(r'^feedback', include('feedback.urls'))

Synchronize your database models run django syncdb

In templates

Load tags library:

{% load feedback_tags %}

Insert template tag in your template

{% show_feedback [key] %},

where key is feedback form key. Default key value is default.


Note that feedback uses ajax form based on jQuery, so you need to include jQuery in your page. You can install it from Google hosting:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>


Registry for custom feedback forms. See Customize section.
Registry for feedback form names. See Customize section.
Use True if need unique id html element for form fields. Default: False.


If you want to customize default feedback form, or add your own, you have to create an application with your forms. All feedback forms should be subclasses of feedback.forms.BaseFeedbackForm. Here is an example of custom feedback class:

from django import forms
from feedback.forms import BaseFeedbackForm

class OrderForm(BaseFeedbackForm):
    name = forms.CharField(label=u'Your name', max_length=200)
    email = forms.EmailField(label=u'Your Email', max_length=200)
    phone = forms.CharField(label=u'Phone', max_length=200)
    address = forms.CharField(label=u'Your address', max_length=200)
    date = forms.CharField(label=u'Date and time', max_length=200)
    file = forms.FileField(label=u'Attach the file')

    response = forms.CharField(label=u'Comment', max_length=500,
        widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={'cols':'30', 'rows':'5'}))
    subject = u'Custom order form'

subject attribute appears in email subject.

Then you need to put feedback forms in your

FEEDBACK_FORMS - dictionary object, describes feedback forms on your site. Every key-value pair stands for feedback form object. For example:

    'default': 'feedback.forms.FeedbackForm',
    'order': 'mysite.custom_feedback.forms.OrderForm',

You can also specify FEEDBACK_FORMS_NAMES option:

FEEDBACK_FORMS_NAMES - dictionary object, that defines the way a feedback form is displayed in Mailing list admin interface. Every key-value pair stands for feedback form object. For example:

    'order': 'Online order form',

Now we can include {% show_feedback order %} in template and get overriden form.

Custom templates

You can create custom templates if you have custom form class. Application search them by first. Template names are:

feedback/FORM_KEY/feedback.html, feedback/feedback.html
for rendering form itself
feedback/FORM_KEY/thankyou.html, feedback/thankyou.html
for rendering success response
feedback/FORM_KEY/email.txt, feedback/feedback_messages.txt
for rendering email text

Mailing lists

You can specify a mailing list for each feedback form with admin interface. By default messages from all the feedback forms are sent to the emails specified by MANAGERS setting

What’s new

0.5.0 - Compatibility with django 1.7 > 1.8. Update ru translation.

0.4.2 - Added prefix fields settings and changing system of receipt form class. WARNING! If you update version and use custom templates, change in form action on ‘’{% url ajax_feedback key=form.get_settings_key %}’’ .

0.4.1 - Option to define humanized form names was added.

0.4.0 - New version. Responses in DB was deleted and mailing lists was added.